The way we ensure we can provide HR your way

In-House Person
Be your ‘IN-HOUSE’ PERSON – same as if you recruited your internal person. We are not just the personal touch or bespoke,
we work by building a strong relationship. We are
your ‘in-house’ person providing external, objective view
that your business requires. Our working relationship will
be built by ensuring your senior managers are fully
empowered to managed your employees.

1-1 Meetings
Hold regular 1-1 MEETINGS – you would not be left until you have a problem. You will be contacted at least once a quarter to
ensure that everything in your business is running smoothly
and you have the support you need. We call it the '1-1 meeting'
with the manager.

Forward Thinking
THINK ABOUT TOMORROW – our advice to you will be based
on the facts that are currently available and what is reasonable. This is because we know that tribunal judges look at each
stage of any issue and whether the action taken
at the time with the facts were reasonable.

Tailored HR
ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL – we ensure that we understand your business, the industry you are in and details about your issue. Only then can you be provided with the appropriate advice you need. We do this because we know that tribunal judges give different outcomes to claims that appear very similar on the surface. The devil is always in the detail and we ensure that we fully understand the situation before we provide the result.

Daxa supported our small Council with HR issues from January 2019. Immediately she took the time to understand our organisation, the policies and procedures, and the personalities.
She helped us ensure we were employing people legally. The matter of employing staff as self-employed or a company is complex and hadn't been understood by the Council.
Daxa carefully helped us through to comply with legislation.
There was also a complex disciplinary case which went through a number of appeal stages. These hearings had to be taken by Councillors. The Councillors and the management team were supported by Daxa who ensured the procedures and laws were complied with. She held our hands figuratively as the process unfolded. Our Councillors and staff could not have managed this situation without Daxa's expert, caring support.
Daxa is professional, expert, supportive and caring in her approach and I would unreservedly recommend her HR services.
Contact Us Today
Call 07813 084152 today to arrange a meeting to discuss
your requirements or complete and send the form below