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When the demand for jobs is at a high, candidates may find themselves ‘flower coating’ and providing false information or omitted vital information during the recruitment process. Quite often, individuals copy the list in their job description as the role that they performed or even change the job title to something a little fancier or a higher level than they were. 

How to resolve the matter 

So, what do you do if you find out that a candidate has been deceitful with information on the CV, during the interview, or pre-employment checks. The following are some key steps you can take depending on when you find out. 

If you have given an offer of employment and the individual has not accepted 

You can withdraw this at any time. You should keep notes of what happened, the fact that the role had not been accepted, and the reason for withdrawing the offer. Date and time the information, so that you have a record, in the event the applicant decides to take the matter further. However, be careful not to withdraw the offer due to any issue which could be deemed as discrimination, like pregnancy, disability etc. 

Offer has been accepted or the individual has started employment.  

Depending on when you become aware of the information, it all depends on what has come to light. If it is your view that the level of dishonesty is significant, the conduct is a breach of trust and confidence and you have specifically stated as part of your gross misconduct list that the employee would be summarily dismissed for falsifying any information during recruitment, then you may be able to terminate without notice. If you wish to follow a less risky route then you may terminate with notice. 
You must ensure that you have made it clear that if at any stage you become aware that the individual has provided false or inaccurate information you reserve the right to withdraw the offer or if they have commenced employment you will terminate the employment with immediate effect. at the very least, you should speak to the individual to ascertain the facts before any decision is made. Remember, those employees who have two years of service have accrued a right to claim unfair dismissal. 
The key message is that taking your time during the recruitment process, ensuring that you have fully explored those statements on the CV, and checked all the details as far as possible can save you time and money in the long run. 
Please do not hesitate to contact if you would like to discuss the plan you would like to put in place. Taking HR from 'TO DO' to 'DONE'. 
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